Germanium and carbon
Brief information about the germanium-carbon alloy, what it does, and how it can help to improve your daily life.
Before we get to the alloy, we have to learn about both components, i.e., what they are, what they do and how they benefit patients.
Let’s start with germanium. It is a greyish-white, lustrous metalloid that is quite brittle, and chemically very similar to silicon. Metalloids are substances that have metallic and non-metallic properties, e.g., the conductivity of this material increases when heated.
It is believed that pure germanium is a semi-conductor. This means that its conductivity is affected by external circumstances like light and temperature. These semi-conductor properties are widely used to convert various types of energy: in this case from heat to electromagnetic energy as infrared waves.
Studies have confirmed that medium length infrared waves of germanium are generated in clothing that also contains bio-ceramic or natural materials, which increase the reflection and absorption of the infrared waves.
What are the benefits of infra-reflective clothing?
Better local micro-circulation
Better general metabolism
Less joint and muscle pain
Shorter healing process
Bamboo-derived carbon is a natural reflective material that is produced by heat-treating bamboo fibres and then grinding them into a microscopic powder.
The carbon is very widespread in nature, and can form strong links with other substances. An example of the most important carbon compound is DNA that contains genetic human information. This element mostly exists in two stable forms: graphite and diamond.
The widely known charcoal is not a special modification of carbon. It is a black, hard substance that consists of small, irregular graphite crystals.
Due to its structure, the carbon has several very practical functions:
Dehumidification: bamboo-derived graphite is very porous, which allows it to efficiently absorb moisture and discharge it into the environment.
Odour neutralisation: also takes place due to its porous nature. These microscopic cavities on the carbon structure help to neutralise unpleasant odours, e.g., smelly feet after a training session.
Anti-bacterial properties: the carbon has anti-bacterial properties that allow it to get rid of the bacteria on the surface of the skin